Use of the Microflow to sterilize astronauts’ dishes

Steriflow continues to focus on innovation

A very nice article from the french’s Newspaper « l’Essor » of June 19, 2017 that takes over our activity, our customers references, our investments and innovations, reflecting our dynamism and growth.

A pilot rotary autoclave for a Research and Development Center

Customized autoclave to meet Research requirements.

The Gendreau Group speaks about us

A good article on the MPI Expert system installed by Vif Argent.

What’s in your cans?

How are cans made? What’s in it? Is metal safe for health?

Food preservation

A famous French program « C’est pas sorcier » shows sterilization and Food preservation techniques

Article in the magazine L’Usine nouvelle

Steriflow is specialized in the design and manufacture of autoclaves. Established in Roanne – France, in the Loire district (…)