Result of the carbon footprint end of 2018

Energy management and water saving at the heart of STERIFLOW's eco-friendly approach

STERIFLOW autoclaves are equipped with Barriquand heat exchanger. The system is based on the recovery of all the condensates, which makes it a very efficient process in terms of energy saving. Essential element for separating the primary and secondary circuits, the exchanger is suitable for exchanges on difficult fluids. Thanks to this assessment, STERIFLOW will be able to draw up a short, medium and long-term action plan to reduce GHG emissions. Achieving a carbon footprint helps a company reduce its environmental impact and its economic dependence on fossil fuels. At the end of November 2018, STERIFLOW will have the result of its carbon footprint.

Steriflow an eco-responsible player who measure his carbon footprint

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, STERIFLOW has started since July 2018 a Carbone footprint. The aim is to identify the positions generating energy consumption and find solutions to reduce them. By carrying out a carbon assessment, STERIFLOW wants to be an eco-responsible actor looking to reduce its carbon footprint. There is no legal requirement for companies with less than 500 employees. However STERIFLOW is committed to helping to preserve the environment and is part of a sustainable development approach.

Consequences of Carbon Emissions

The main impact of CO2 excess is the change in the Earth’s climate. Carbon dioxide is very present in the air, accentuating the greenhouse effect and causing climate change. The origins of this excess are widely known: deforestation, consumption of fossil fuels, and air pollution by gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases. Recent studies report that food production would be threatened by CO2 emissions that could lead to protein and mineral deficiencies.

What is a carbon footprint?

A tool developed by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency ( ADEME), the carbon footprint record the direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases generated by all the company’s activities. This assessment enables companies and institutions to assess CO2 emissions as part of an environmental strategy.

Main sources of carbon dioxide emissions taken in count in carbon footprint

Each company has posts which generate energy expenditure. Identify them offer the possibility of finding solutions to reduce energy decreases. Greenhouse gas emissions are estimated in function:
• the energy used by the company;
• the means of transport used by employees and customers;
• generalized transport through the transportation of raw materials or supplies and the delivery of products;
• the type of construction of the buildings occupied by the company;
• the end of life of the waste generated.

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